Alternative Healthcare Models – September PRIME Time Recap

In this ‘PRIME Time’ LinkedIn livestream, host Karen Rakers, MD is joined by Higginbotham Managing Director and PRIME partner, Michael Avenevoli to discuss alternative healthcare models and how they can impact an employer’s bottom line!

Topics Covered in the Video

  • What is your role at Higginbotham and what does it entail?
  • How do you work with Mitigate partners?
  • What are employers struggling with when it comes to health care?
  • What is your approach to help employers solve these issues?
  • What are your thoughts on the best way to approach primary care?
  • Why do employers hesitate to adopt these solutions?
  • How does implementation of valued-based primary care impact the employer’s bottom line?
  • What success stories can you share?

What's the Impact of Alternative Healthcare Models?

You would never purchase car insurance to cover routine maintenance. So why do many employers purchase health insurance to cover primary care and urgent care needs? Exploring alternative health care models can result in:

  • 9% fewer ER visits.
  • 30% fewer days admitted to hospitals.
  • 62% fewer referrals to specialists.
  • 85% fewer radiology exams.
  • 80% fewer surgeries.
  • The ability to impact a significant portion of an employer’s claims.

What Are Other Employers Saying?

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