There's No Catch

Are “healthcare cost savings” a pie-in-the-sky concept for your company? Next Level PRIME delivers on its claims to reduce cost through an Advanced Primary Care model. Here’s how!

You would NEVER purchase car insurance to cover routine maintenance...

So why do many employers purchase health insurance to cover primary care and urgent care needs? Employers struggle to adopt an Advanced Primary Care solution like Next Level PRIME for a variety of reasons, primarily because of: 

A Bleeding Bottom Line

Recent studies show that employers are bracing for the biggest healthcare cost jump in a decade. Analysts report that a 5-8% increase is imminent going into 2024 due to medical inflation, soaring demand for costly weight-loss drugs, and wider availability of high-priced gene therapies. You can read the article for yourself HERE

Further, millions of Americans visit emergency rooms for matters that could have been handled at an urgent care clinic each year. While this alone creates substantial costs to the employer, there are various other high-priced avenues of healthcare spend that negatively impact their bottom line. Some of these include specialist referrals, radiology exams, hospital admissions, and surgeries just to name a few.

While these claimants alone generate substantial costs, there are also indirect costs experienced from lost productivity, workplace injuries, and absenteeism. In fact, Forbes reports that poor employee health alone costs U.S. employers billions of dollars each year. 

How Can PRIME Deliver Free Employee Healthcare?

70% of Americans are on an employer healthcare plan, and over 40% of them cannot afford a $400 medical emergency. Thus, through a traditional healthcare model, employers and employees suffer in multiple respects. Next Level PRIME offers a fee-per-membership model, where one membership cost covers the employee and their family members (spouse and children). Below is the membership pricing structure:

  • $75 each month (per employee) for companies under 100 employees.
  • $60 each month (per employee) for companies over 100 employees.

Because the membership fee is all-encompassing, members avoid copays, deductibles, premiums, coinsurance, and surprise medical bills. A PRIME membership gives the employee AND their family members unlimited access to the below services at any Next Level Urgent Care location 7-days a week:









How Can PRIME Deliver Healthcare Cost Savings?

27% of PRIME members report they would not have sought care anywhere else had it not been for their PRIME benefits. While the benefits themselves are enticing enough, a PRIME account manager is assigned to each client to help drive maximum benefit utilization. Because of this high utilization, employers inevitably experience significant cost savings in the aforementioned areas (specialist referrals, radiology exams, hospital admissions, surgeries, ER care, urgent care, labs, and more).

Further, given Next Level’s clinic accessibility in the Houston, Austin, and San Antonio areas (as well as virtual accessibility) employees avoid excessive time away from work, eliminating absenteeism and downtime costs. See a list of all Next Level clinics HERE.

Learn How to Make Healthcare Free for Your Employees

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A 2023 PRIME Cost Savings Testimony:

How Can PRIME Deliver Free Employee Healthcare?