What Hinders Employers From Making Healthcare Changes? February PRIME Time Recap

What Hinders Employers From Making Healthcare Changes? February PRIME Time Recap

What’s preventing employers from making a much needed change in their healthcare strategy? What barriers need to be overcome and how? We dive into this broad topic alongside Brown & Brown Insurance Benefits Leader, Greg Coldewey!

A Call to Action for Healthcare Change

Medical inflation, high-cost claims, and other contributing factors have generated the largest employer healthcare cost increase in over a decade, causing many organizations to operate from a budget deficit and make less than favorable decisions to navigate the crisis.

While more employers are now beginning to explore alternative healthcare models, many are unsure where to begin. As discussed in the video, the solution lies within adopting an Advanced Primary Care (APC) model, developing advocacy for change within leadership, and understanding the cost variables at play. 

Topics Covered in the Livestream

  • What hinders employers from making health care related changes?
  • Are carriers aligned with trying to reduce health care claims/cost?
  • What else is driving up the cost of care?
  • How does free market health care fit in?
  • Tell us about high performance health plans.
  • How do federal laws and regulations influence employer health care costs?
  • What strategies do you use to help employers control health care costs?
  • How can employers adopt an advanced primary care model?

Learn how to make healthcare free for your employees

Click below to download our comprehensive white paper on Next Level PRIME and Advanced Primary Care!


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